Why I am a Mott's Mom!


We gathered with some of my mom blogger friends recently to share the news about one of our family favorites, Mott's 100% Apple Juice.Nutritionist Cheshire Que started off the event with a talk about the benefits of Apple Juice and clarified a lot of information on what different types of juices actually are. Her talk was featured on our Mommy Mundo site here.Mott's Apple JuiceCheshire even shared with us that you can use Mott's to make healthy treats for the family!Mott'sPopcorn clusters and healthy pancakes made with Mott's 100 Apple JuiceAfter Cheshire, I had the chance to talk about how I, like most moms, are super discerning about what we buy for our family. Whatever we choose to buy and put in our grocery carts end up in our family refrigerator, our plates and our bodies- so we have to choose our brands well.Mott's Apple JuiceEver wonder why we moms take so long in the grocery when we shop, because we read the labels of different things that we buy! I also shared reasons why Mott's 100% Apple Juice passed the criteria of this discerning mommy--When I check products for its contents, I read the label and watch out for the following things:Mott's Apple JuiceCheck out what Mott's is made of..Mott'sIt lives up to its name, Mott's is 100% Apple Juice. Mott's is juice from concentrateMott's does not contain colorants nor preservatives.Mott'sAs much as possible, I keep powdered juice drinks away from my family. Not only is there too much sugar in most if not all of them, there are also words you can't recognize on its label, and that usually means preservatives, artificial flavoring and colorants. Mott's is even gluten-free and has no added sugars. That means whatever sugar is in the drink comes from thr fruit itself.In the past I used to think anything with the word "Concentrate" was bad. In Cheshire's talk she also shared that when the label says "100% Apple Juice concentrate" it means that it is 100% juice from the fruit itself.Mott's also contains essential vitamins and minerals.Mott'sEvery eight-ounce serving of Mott’s that you take is like having two servings of fruit yet it has 0%fat and gives you 120% of the daily required value of Vitamin C. It even contains potassium, iron and carbs!It also says a lot that Mott's is a long-running history as a well-loved beverage brand since its founder S.R. Mott created it in 1842.Mott'sIn the Philippines, while it just recently started actively being marketed and distributed through Fly Ace Corporation, Filipinos have been buying Mott's in PX stores in the '80's or like Cash and Carry.It was a memorable afternoon spent with my fellow discerning, label-reading mamas and Mott's! While I still believe that nothing can replace water as the best drink for our families, when my family wants a treat and something else to drink with their meals or as a refreshment, Mott's Apple Juice is our go-to beverage because of all the information mentioned above. We love it so much that Zach made his own Mott's TVC --Rasta!:)At the event, Mott's also announced my new role with them as their first ever brand ambassador!Mott'sSo honored to have been chosen for this and like most of the things I do in my life, this is something I take to heart and I do this wholeheartedly because as I said, this is brand that I love and believe in.What made the day even more special was that my friends shared the time with me. Here are snapshots with some of them...Mott'sRachel of Fly Ace with mom bloggers, Em Sulit, Jane Uymatiao, Chessy AlejandroPrincess Velasco who I just met that day after just being connecting online:)Mott's Apple JuiceWith Joy MendiolaMott'sand Rina ZamoraMott'sEven the "Mom Squad" came--Mott'sMelissa Ricks, Helga Krapf, Say Alonzo and Ara MinaMott'sWith my Fly Ace family. Fly Ace is the company that distributes Mott's in the country.Mott'sMott’s 100% Original Apple Juice is available in 32oz and 64oz in leading supermarkets and groceries nationwide. Try Mott's for your own families!*some photos borrowed from the blogs: occasionsofjoy.com, thephilippinebeat.blogspot.com, chessy.ph, princessvelasco.com, rinasrainbow.com, gastronomybyjoy.com