Mompreneurs Who Lunch

We see each other often, have lots of time to chat, and know each other by name and even maybe more than that. But since we only have these opportunities during events or bazaars, our only time together is also when we are working, usually in our booths selling or marketing our products.So it was a very refreshing time to have lunch with these ladies, with no agenda or planned activity, just relaxed bonding time, sharing stories, laughs and tips on the side.Mompreneur lunchWe really should have more of these times this year.Mompreneur lunchMompreneur lunchMompreneur lunchMompreneur lunchMompreneur lunchMompreneur lunchMompreneur lunchMompreneur lunchMompreneur lunchMompreneur lunchThank you to our Mompreneur Manila partners, BPI and Epson for the support you have extended to our mompreneur movement! For more info, visit